Tell what you do and not just who you are.For truly memorable email ideas, try the following tricks: However, it isn’t always easy to stand out in the midst of millions of accounts. When you set up an email account, your email name idea should be as unique as you are.

When creating a business email address, take the time to select a name that makes a professional impression. Makes a good first impression: PrincessPink might be a cute name for an email id when writing to friends, but it’s not necessarily a username that inspires confidence in the business world.Give them a break and choose an email id they won’t struggle to spell. Easy to spell: Think of all your contacts reading and typing your email address on the teeny tiny screens of their phones.Here it’s important that the person on the other end of the line can hear and spell your email id correctly on the first try. Except when you have to tell someone your email address on the phone. Easy to pronounce: This may seem counterintuitive, since an email name is usually something we TYPE, not something we say.Worst case scenario: a business contact finds it’s too difficult to contact you and goes to someone else instead. Don’t be tempted! No one, including you, will be able to remember this email id. Easy to remember: If your name is not available, the email program may suggest adding a string of numbers, e.g.Even if you have some good email address ideas already, here is how to choose the best combination for your new username: